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Z83 Job Application Form

Tips to follow in completing the Application Form

Tips on completing the Z83 Government Application Form

An application is often the first opportunity the work seeker has to make a good impression and to access available job opportunities. The application form is used by only persons with original Identity Documents (ID) or official passport wishing to apply for an advertised position in a govern-ment department.

The purpose of the Z83 application form

It is to screen and identify suitable candidates for the next rounds of the selection process. The information provided in the Z83 job application is initially screened to determine whether the appli-cant meets the required minimum requirements and qualifications of the position for which one is applying for. The application form is considered by the selected shortlisting committee to discuss and agree on the selection criteria in order to select the most suitable candidates. With so many people checking and reviewing your application, it is important to ensure that the application form is neat and contains the relevant required information and supporting documents.

Completing the Application Form Z83

Set up a separate time dedicated to complete the Z83 application form to show the seriousness of securing a job opportunity.
Please ensure that the application form is completed in full so that it can stand out from the rest and have a better chance of being favourably selected.
Failure to complete all sections on an application form may lead to your application not moving forward in the selection process, which is something you should avoid at all costs, regardless of whether you have attached the information on your CV or not.
Bear in mind that mistakes do happen wherein some attachments might have got lost or you may not even aware that you did not submit all the attachments.
Therefore, you will be on the safer side if you have fully completed the Z83 and pro-vided all required attachments, in case such unexpected incidents happen.

Tips to follow in completing the Application Form

In order to maximise your chances of landing a job opportunity in government, the following tips are provided below: –
1. Obtain a Z83 form The Z83 application form is available at any South Africa National, Provincial and Local Govern-ment office and most Government department’s websites. You can download the form by mak-ing use of this website address:
2. Read the application form carefully It is very important to make enough time and read the entire form thoroughly. This will help you to clearly understand all the questions on the application form. If you find it difficult to under-stand or satisfactorily answer some questions, you can ask someone to help you. Or visit your nearest Labour Centre in your area at the Department of Employment and Labour to get assis-tance from an Employment Counsellor.
3. First impressions counts Your Z83 application form is the first thing they see about you. Therefore, it is very important to complete your application form fully and neat to set the tone straight.
4. Follow the instructions on the application form Following instructions is an important ability to practice in your everyday life in order to attend in detail what is required. When the application form says complete the information required on the form, do as such. Do not say “attached CV and supporting documents”. When it says, you may also attach the CV and supporting documents, do so as directed.
5. Ensure that you have put the correct reference number Since government receives many applications especially for entry level jobs it is important to make sure that you have put the correct reference number for each particular post you have ap-plied for. This will assist you to avoid being unnecessarily disqualified because of such mistakes.
6. Sign the Declaration Section Please note that if your application form is not signed or dated, it is an immediate disqualifica-tion. In other words, your application will not be considered since it has not been authorized by the applicant. Please ensure that you complete the form fully and sign it off at the end.

Mistakes to avoid when completing the Application form for Employment Z83

REMEMBER that the officials, who are checking your application form, have to check many others so it is important to avoid making mistakes that might cause you to miss the dream job opportunity. After
completing your application form do the following:
• Check that you have given the correct and complete information
• Check that you have mentioned which job you are applying for
• Check your form thoroughly for possible mistakes
If you are not sure on how to complete a Z83 application form or you suspect that the way you complete the form might be the reason you are not getting a job, please do not hesitate to consult an Employment Counsellor at the nearby Labour Centres in the Department of Employment and Labour. They will be able to maximise your employability chances through gaining knowledge on the whole job hunting processes and practical ways in securing a job interview and placement.


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