Learnerships 2024 - 2025
2024 SAIPA Trainee Application – SAIPA Learnership 2024/25

SAIPA has two Learnerships that culminate in qualifications that are registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) at Level 8. The NQF is maintained by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).
2024 Trainee Accountant Application Are open Send your CV to careers@bfgservices.co.za
The objectives of the NQF are as follows:
- To create an integrated national framework for learning achievements.
- Facilitate access to, and mobility and progression within education, training and career paths.
- Enhance the quality of education and training.
- Accelerate the redress of past unfair discrimination in education, training and employment opportunities; and
- Contribute to the full personal development of each learner and the social and economic development of the nation at large.
- Be employed at an Approved Training Centre (ATC) that is an Accounting Firm registered with SAIPA – you can view a list of learnership vacancies on our website or on Facebook and LinkedIn. Alternatively, you can approach the ATC’s for employment, click on this link for list of ATC’s
- Be studying towards or have completed a B Com Degree in Accounting at a recognized university which includes the following core subjects:
- Financial Accounting 3
- Taxation 2
- Auditing or Internal Auditing 2 or Internal Control & Code of Ethics
- Corporate Law 1 or Commercial Law 2
- Management Accounting 2
- Duration of the Learnership is 3 years, at the end of the three years training and completion of studies, trainee accountants will have to undergo the Professional Evaluation before full membership can be granted.
Click on new Apply, click on individual and select Trainee on the drop down. The following documents will be required:
- Certified copy of Degree or Academic record
- Certified copy of ID
- Employment contract
- Payment of administration fees R346.16