Internship at CATHSSETA – R5 600.00 Stipend per month
Internship posts at CATHSSETA R5 600.00 per month

We have all jobs opportunities on our website, others need work experience and others don’t need working experience. Internship posts at CATHSSETA R5 600.00 per month Others need matric and others don’t need matric.
Applications are invited from candidates to apply for a 12-month internship programme. The following qualifications will be considered, National Diploma/Bachelor’s/ B-Tech/ Honour’s Degree.
Internship posts at CATHSSETA R5 600.00 Stipend per month
The Interns will receive a monthly stipend of R5 600 and kindly note that there is no guarantee of placement after the internship contract term.
Please forward your detailed CV and a CATHSSETA application form indicating the internship you are applying for.
Applications are invited from candidates to apply for a 12-month internship programme. The following qualifications will be considered, National Diploma/Bachelor’s/ B-Tech/ Honour’s Degree.
The interns will receive a monthly stipend of R 5 600. 00. Kindly note that there is no guarantee of placement beyond the internship contract term.
How to apply – check the links in the table below
- For Learning Programmes-
- For Communications and Branding –
- For Research, Monitoring and Evaluation
- For Finance –
- For Legal Services –
- For Internal Audit and Risk Management –
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