SETA Bursary Application online 2024

SETA Bursary Application online 2024
We are proud to announce, in partnership with Universities South Africa (USAF) a new bursary programme.
For financial year 2023/24, we will be offering bursaries aligned in the field of hard-to-fill vacancies as per Services SETA Sector Skills Plan 23/24.
Successful applicants will be funded to pursue studies relating to full/part-time or short courses that are SAQA registered and or recognised by a public tertiary institution in South Africa.
Who can apply? We invite individuals employed by levy-paying and non-levy-paying employers within Services SETA industries.
The Services SETA(SSETA) in partnership with Universities South Africa (USAF), hereby invites individuals employed by levy paying and non-levy paying employers within Services SETA industries (SSP 2023/24– Attached) to submit applications for bursaries. The field of study of applicants should be aligned to SSETA hard to fill vacancies as per Services SETA Sector Skills Plan 23/24. Successful applicants will be funded to pursue studies relating to full/ part or short courses that are SAQA registered and or recognised by a public tertiary institution in South Africa.
Applicants must comply with the following criteria:
- You must be an employee within the scope of Services Seta
- You must not currently hold a bursary within the PSET system.
- Preferably, you must enroll on a course that is aligned with the hard-to-fill vacancies identified in the Services Seta’s Sector Skills Plan here (SSP 2023/24 Chapter 3)
If you meet
these requirements, download the application forms and learn
more about the program. You will also need to submit the following documents
along with your application:
New working student application:
- Proof of registration/Fee Statement (if not, proof of application);
- Bursary Agreement Form/Bursary Registration Form;
- Certified ID Copy;
- Dated and signed proof of employment;
- POPI Consent Form; and
- Bursary Funding Declaration Form.
If you are a continuing learner, you will also need to provide the following in addition:
- Current Academic Year Results
- 2024 Academic Year Proof of Registration/Fee Statement
- Bursary Agreement Form/Bursary Registration Form;
- Certified ID Copy;
- Dated and signed proof of employment;
- POPI Consent Form; and
- Bursary Funding Declaration Form.
For more info, visit the applications page