Sassa News Today

Sassa Grant Payment Dates For Sept 2024

Sassa Grant Payment Dates For Sept 2024 . The sassa agency has confirmed the dates on which beneficiaries will be paid.

Sassa Grant Payment Dates For August 2024

There are more than 18 million people living in South Africa who rely on grants from the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa). The agency has confirmed when beneficiaries will be paid in 2024.

Permanent grants distributed by Sassa include the Older Persons pension grant, Disability grant, War Veterans grant, Care Dependency grant, Foster Child grant, Child Support grant, Child Support grant Top-Up and Grant-in-aid.

Sassa Grant Payment Dates For Sept 2024

In 2024, these Sassa grants will be distributed from the second day of the month. However, beneficiaries of other grant will have to wait a few more days for their grant payments as Sassa does not pay grants to beneficiaries on weekends.

September 2024 Payment Schedule

Sassa has confirmed the payment dates for various grants in September 2024. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Older Persons Grant: 3 September 2024
  • Disability Grants: 4 September 2024
  • Children’s Grants: 5 September 2024

Here’s How Much Sassa Grants Will Be For August

  • Older Persons grant – R2,180
  • Older Persons (75 years and older) – R2,200
  • Disability grant – R2,180
  • War Veterans grant – R2,200
  • Care Dependency grant – R2,180
  • Foster Care grant – R1,180

SRD Grant Payment Dates For August 2024

The Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant is paid to more than 9 million people every month.

ALSO READ :  SASSA Grant Payment Dates For October 2023

SRD grant payment dates for august 2024 is not yet available, however, the grant is usually paid in the final week of the month.

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